
Miss Gale {Round 2}

Good afternoon, say hello to Miss Gale. She and I have met on prior occasions, first here, then here with her brother. Her mama wants to put together an album of her handsome kiddos and decided we need a few more of Meg to choose from... isn't she purdy?
M Gale-230M Gale SB 2M Gale SB 1M Gale-46M Gale-301M Gale-286B
Thanks for meeting me for breakfast and a little shootin' Meg, you're grand (and a fox).
Special thanks to Blue Plate for their grand Veggie Benedict and use of their diner.


Jamie Sampson Photography said...

adorable, i love them. they are completley filled with personality and your style. Your work rocks, babe.

Mrs. Olsen said...

I totally dig the soda counter pics.