
Smith Family Preview

Wandered around the Wastach Range with the in-laws today, attempting to capture the beauty of their young family. Wasn't too difficult considering the level of charm these wee ones hold. Perhaps I am a bit partial, but relationships aside, these two are keepers.


Anonymous said...

can't wait to see more! Love this one!

MixedNuts said...

I love these little ones!!
I referred a co worker to you today, She wants pictures of her, the dog and her husband for the holidays. I have been telling everyone how Awesome you are and showing off your work. I would like to get ours done soon. I am going in for surgery on the 13th so maybe after that like the 22nd or something. We ahve nothing this Sunday and I have Austin. But the weather is not going to be the best. I am anxious to see all of the Smith family photo's. Keep me posted! I only know our Anniversary because it is so new!!